Guest Blogger Talia Weisberg on Belva Lockwood: Unlocking Doors for Women

Scandalous Women is pleased to welcome Guest Blogger Talia Weisberg. Talia is a self-described radical feminist. She won the 2009 Regional National History Day competition with the entry Belva Lockwood: Unlocking Doors for Women, and calls Lockwood her role model. She also created an organization, Bleep!, whose mission is to eradicate the usage of cursing among kids and teens today ( When one hears First-Wave Feminism or suffrage movement, one normally thinks of women like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. If you know more about the women’s rights movement, you might think of women like Alice Paul, and Carrie Chapman Catt. These are all women who made enormous contributions to the women’s rights movement, and their accomplishments should never be downplayed. However, there is another key player of the suffrage movement that has fallen into obscurity: Belva Lockwood. Belva Lockwood was born on October 24, 1830 to a traditio...