The Headmistress and the Diet Doc

The year 1980 was not turning out so well for Jean Harris. Her job as headmistress at the Madeira School, an expensive, prestigious boarding school for the rich and privileged was turning into more of a nightmare than the dream job she had hoped it would be. Her recent decision to expel four seniors for smoking marijuana on campus had provoked a mini-riot amongst the parents and students, one of whom considered the decision to be hypocritical given that marijuana use was endemic at the school. Harris refused to budge in her decision. The whole situation left Harris depressed and exhausted. At the age of 57, she worried that her job was in jeopardy. She hadn’t been the first choice for the job and a commissioned report had suggested firing her. Her savings meager, Jean felt that she was too old to start over again at another school. She had also run out of the medication that had been prescribed to combat her depression. And then there was h...