Rosalind Franklin - Dark Lady of DNA

I’ve mentioned before on this blog that I was absolutely terrible at science in school which ended any notion of my becoming a doctor. Although truthfully I wanted to play a doctor, preferably on a daytime soap, more than I actually wanted to be one. The smell of formaldehyde still brings back memories of 7 th grade science class when we had to dissect frogs and a fish (my mother had to help me with that one on parent’s day). I took four years of biology in high school more to avoid taking chemistry than from any real interest. Despite my obvious lack of aptitude for both science and mathematics, I find women who choose science or math as careers endlessly intriguing. As recently as a few years ago, the President of Harvard University got into hot water for implying that the under-representation of women in science and engineering could be due to a "different availability of aptitude at the high end," and less to patterns of discrimination and soci...