10 Questions with Leslie Carroll

About the book:
Why does it seem that the marriages of so many monarchs are often made in hell? And yet we can’t stop reading about them! To satisfy your schadenfreude, INGLORIOUS ROYAL MARRIAGES offers a panoply of the most spectacular mismatches in five hundred years of royal history….some of which are mentioned below.
When her monkish husband, England’s Lancastrian Henry VI, became completely catatonic, the unpopular French-born Margaret of Anjou led his army against the troops of their enemy, the Duke of York.
Margaret Tudor, her niece Mary I, and Catherine of Braganza were desperately in love with chronically unfaithful husbands—but at least they weren’t murdered by them, as were two of the Medici princesses.
King Charles II’s beautiful, high-spirited sister “Minette” wed Louis XIV’s younger brother, who wore more makeup and perfume than she did.
Compelled by her mother to wed her boring, jug-eared cousin Ferdinand, Marie of Roumania—a granddaughter of Queen Victoria—emerged as a heroine of World War I by using her prodigious personal charm to regain massive amounts of land during the peace talks at Versailles. Marie’s younger sister Victoria Melita wed two of her first-cousins: both marriages ultimately scandalized the courts of Europe.
Brimming with outrageous real-life stories of royal marriages gone wrong, this is an entertaining, unforgettable book of dubious matches doomed from the start.
1. This is your 6th book about
royalty. What is about royalty that we
Americans find so fascinating?
It’s axiomatic about human nature
that we seem to want what we don’t have. And Americans are fascinated by the
glamour and glitz of royalty—the external trappings, such as the palaces and
coaches and tiaras and bling. And of course we’re not the taxpayers funding
these monarchies, which in Western Europe (my literary bailiwick, for the most
part) are now largely constitutional, with primarily ceremonial duties
nowadays. For Americans, royalty is fantasy. Even though we fought a war not to
be ruled by a monarchy, what we like about royalty is not the governmental
aspect of it, but the fairy tale. For example, the nuptials of Charles and
Diana, and William and Kate are so often described by our media as “fairy tale
weddings.” However, in my books about royalty, I humanize the royals. After
all, they were, and are, actual people, however iconographic some of them
became—with foibles and flaws and frailties and failures, just like other
mortals—except they have better jewelry, larger homes, and nicer clothes than
most of us.
2. What prompted you to write about Inglorious
Royal Marriages?
In a word, schadenfreude: the vicarious thrill derived from the misfortunes of
others. My books about royal relationships tend to be the most popular, and my
last book was titled ROYAL ROMANCES, so I decided to do a 180-degree turn and
write about some royal mismatches and matrimonial debacles. There really isn’t
a shortage of those, because so many royal marriages were arranged. There is
only a shortage of research material on some of them.
3. Out of all the royal couples that you have
written about who is your favorite and why? Which Royal Couple was the most
surprising to you?
I have favorites from each of my
books: in ROYAL AFFAIRS, I’ve always had a fondness for Nell Gwyn (she was a
feisty redheaded actress who really was in love with Charles II and not solely
in it for the money). In NOTORIOUS ROYAL MARRIAGES, I remain fascinated by the
hellacious union of George I of England and Sophia Dorothea of Celle, because
both took lovers, but George openly sparred with Sophia Dorothea; her lover was
brutally murdered and his body mysteriously disposed of; and she was exiled, shut
in a tower for the remainder of her days, divorced from George, never again
permitted to see their kids, and all acknowledgments of her were expunged from
the Hanoverian court. When George became king of England, his two mistresses
(The “Elephant” and the “Maypole”) were his hostesses because there was no
queen. In ROYAL PAINS, I just adore
Princess Margaret, the wild child and younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II.
She’s someone who lived during my childhood, so I kept up with her glamorous
antics in the tabloids; and my mother told me all about her doomed relationship
with Group Capt. Peter Townsend because it was a huge news item of her young womanhood as well. And in
ROYAL ROMANCES, my favorites are a tie between the twenty-plus-year affair of Louis
XIV and Mme. de Montespan, the blond voluptuary who bore the king several
children and earned the title “the real queen of France” (plus there were all
those scandalous accusations of poisoning), and that of Catherine the Great and
Potemkin (what an incredibly sexy couple they must have been—SO tempestuous!).
As for a favorite from the new
book, INGLORIOUS ROYAL MARRIAGES, it’s tough to beat the dysfunctional unions
between a pair of gorgeous Medici cousins and their adulterous, macho,
wife-beating husbands who decided that their wives were too flamboyant and
needed killing. The double murders, which occurred within two weeks of each
other during the Italian Renaissance, were pretty much swept under the rug by
the women’s own relative in his capacity as Grand Duke of Tuscany. I know that
seems to be a “spoiler,” but one has to read the chapter to get the horrors of
it all.
4. Are there any couples who didn’t make it
into the book and why?
The marriages that I selected for
the book are all interrelated in that a royal in each subsequent chapter is a
relative or descendent of someone profiled in a previous chapter—so there’s a
deliberate through-line in this book that there wasn’t in the previous books. I
did have more couples in my original draft table of contents. Some were
eliminated as I began my research process because there just wasn’t enough
research available to tell a juicy story (such as Queen Victoria’s daughter, Princess
Louise, Duchess of Argyll, and her husband John Campbell, 9th Duke of Argyll).
With the two of them, the chapter would have had a lot of traipsing across
Canada: he loved it, she didn’t. Not a lot of excitement there, except for an
auto accident. He was rumored to be gay. Okay, some potentially good stuff, but
they were, well, Victorians, so it’s almost impossible to find credible
anecdotal information to back up those allegations. You can’t write nonfiction
based on rumor. So after reading a few bios on both of them, I had to scrap the
chapter. I couldn’t use Louis XV and Marie LeszczyÅ„zka because so little is
available on their marriage in the English language, and what is there shows
that they were not ideally mated, but wouldn’t have qualified the marriage as
“inglorious.” I also considered a chapter on Edward VII and Alexandra of
Denmark, but ran out of space, so they were set aside because of word/page
count criteria.
5. What does your writing and research process
look like? Do you research as you write?
It depends on whether the books I
need have arrived by the time I need to do the research. I will get my table of
contents approved by my editor before I begin to research and then order the
books I need. More often than not, these books are out of print and/or not
available in my local libraries. Because of deadline constraints, interlibrary
loans aren’t usually helpful because (a) sometimes the books I need are not
available anywhere; and (b) I have no idea when the books will arrive and how
long it will take me to read them and take copious notes on them (which I do in
longhand in violet fine point Pilot marker on notebook paper, marking the name
of the book by author and title and page number when I use a quote, so that I
know where it was sourced.) My editor demands hard photocopies of the pages I
used for quote sources so that the copyeditor can check them to make sure I
typed them correctly in my manuscript. Photocopying every page with a quote source
is very time consuming and is another reason I end up purchasing the research
books I need, so I can keep everything for as long as I want. Also, that way, I
can write my chapters in any order. For INGLORIOUS ROYAL MARRIAGES, all the
books I needed had arrived by the time I began to write, or had at least
arrived by the time I needed them for the requisite chapter, so I wrote the
chapters in chronological order.
6. You’ve also
written several historical fiction novels about some famous and fascinating women
such as Helen of Troy, Emma Hamilton, Mary Robinson and Marie Antoinette. What are the differences you find between
writing non-fiction and fiction? Which do you prefer?
I find that one genre feeds the
other. I get ideas for my historical fiction from my nonfiction. For example, my (Juliet Grey’s) HF trilogy on
the life of Marie Antoinette was inspired by the chapter I wrote in NOTORIOUS
ROYAL MARRIAGES on her marriage to Louis XVI. I read so much about their lives
and realized that they had been so traduced by history that someone needed to
tell their story in a richly detailed way, which for once told the truth
instead of continuing to promulgate the propaganda found in the history books
and in many biographies of the past 225 years or so. As for the differences, of
course you can’t “make stuff up” in nonfiction! With historical fiction the
author is free to embellish and embroider between the historical events. Some
HF authors really play fast and loose and “never let the facts get in the way
of a good story,” as the saying goes, but in that case, why write about real
people? In historical fiction I am firmly committed to the historical record,
because it does a disservice to my characters to make stuff up when the
truth/facts are usually much juicier than anything a novelist can invent. That said, a novelist can, and should,
do what a historian can’t—which is to get under the figure’s skin and inside
their psyche and help readers understand what made them tick, what made their
hearts beat so quickly, how they felt
about the actions they took. A novelist gets to have an opinion about the
events that shaped her character’s lives, and about her characters themselves. By
telling a well-known story from their point of view, she can depict them sympathetically,
illuminating their world from their perspective, as, for example, Hilary Mantel
did so brilliantly with Thomas Cromwell in WOLF HALL. Without too much
monkeying around with historical events, Mantel put us inside (the usually
villainous) Cromwell’s head and almost made us sympathize with Henry’s hatchet
man, his Karl Rove, if you will.
7. You’re a native New Yorker, and now you live
in our nation’s capital. What is your
favorite historical place in Washington, DC?
If you have never visited
Hillwood, which is the home of General Foods founder (and Dina Merrill’s
mother) Marjorie Merriweather Post, you are in for a treat! This home museum
tucked away in NW DC is a gem. If you’re a flower person, she collected rare
species of orchids, which are in a greenhouse on the grounds. If you are a
Russophile or Francophile, she amassed all sorts of artifacts belonging to
those royal and imperial families. If you want to see Romanov memorabilia,
Hillwood is the place to go. They have many lectures and exhibits throughout
the year. And every July they have an 18th c. style festival on the
grounds with costumed participants.
8. I just watched the first episode of
Outlander on Starz this past weekend. If
you could time-travel to any period in history, where it would it be, and why?
I think the Restoration Court of
Charles II would be my first choice. Although mid-18th c. France
might be pretty cool as well. I need an
era when women’s wit was prized. And where I would look smashing in the
9. What are your favorite things to do in your
I never seem to get much down
time, but I find that it’s important to recharge my creative batteries by
visiting museums, walking by the river, poring over issues of Architectural Digest and reimagining
interior spaces, cooking or baking; and, if I am not currently writing historical fiction, reading my colleagues’
novels. I don’t like to read in a genre that I am writing in, unless it’s for
10. What are you working on now? What is your
next project?
I am currently writing a novel;
historical fiction set during the mid-twentieth century. That’s all I’ll say
about it for now. And I have been recording audio books this summer, another
aspect of my career that I branched into a few years ago. It’s a performance
skill in its own that, well, gloriously
marries the ones I’ve acquired over the years in my two creative
professions, writing and acting. It’s a lot of fun and I love making other
authors’ work come alive aurally.
Thank you so much, Elizabeth, for inviting me, and for the opportunity
to speak to your readers! As always, it’s been a pleasure!
About the author:
About the author:
Carroll is the author of several works of historical nonfiction, women’s
fiction, and, under the pen names Juliet Grey and Amanda Elyot, is a
multipublished author of historical fiction. Her nonfiction titles include
Royal Romances, Royal Pains, Royal Affairs, and Notorious Royal Marriages. She
is also a classically trained professional actress with numerous portrayals of
virgins, vixens, and villainesses to her credit, and is an award-winning audio
book narrator.
frequent commentator on royal romances and relationships, Leslie has been
interviewed by numerous publications, including MSNBC.com, USA Today, the
Australian Broadcasting Company, and NPR, and she was a featured royalty
historian on CBS nightly news in London during the royal wedding coverage of
Prince William and Catherine Middleton. She also appears as an expert on the
love lives of Queen Victoria, Marie Antoinette, Catherine the Great, and
Napoleon on the television series “The Secret Life of [fill in the name of
famous figure]” for Canada’s History Channel. Leslie and her husband, Scott,
divide their time between New York City and Washington, D.C.