Winner of the Gillian Bagwell Giveaway

Sorry that I'm so late picking a winner but work was busy yesterday and then last night I went to see a screening of the new film AUSTENLAND from the novel by Shannon Hale (which I will be reviewing on the blog tomorrow).  But I am happy to say that the winner of all three of Gillian's wonderful novels is:

Congratulations to Ruth, and thank you to everyone who entered.  I only wish that I could afford to buy everyone copies of Gillian's novels!
Don't despair though, because who knows what goodies I will be bringing back from my trip to London at the end of the month!
Please do come back to the blog as I start a new series about some of the fascinating women during The Cousins' War.


Unknown said…
Um, I think that's me?! YAY! So excited, thank you!
Unknown said…
I just got The September Queen in the mail yesterday, thank you so much!

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