I ran the wrong kind of business, but I did it with integrity. Sydney Biddle Barrows, to Marian Christy, ''Mayflower Madam' Tells All,' Boston Globe, 1986 There is a reason why they call prostitution the oldest profession. Its been around since probably man first walked upright, and the debate on whether or not to legalize it as raged almost as long. Recently with the Eliot Spitzer trial and now the alleged suicide of the 'DC Madam,' Deborah Jeane Palfrey, prostitution is once again in the news. But there was a time when the idea of high class call girl rings or escort services was still something of a shocker. Recognize the woman on the left? If you don't, then you weren't around or old enough in 1984 when Sidney Biddle Barrows was once of the biggest stories in the news. She was dubbed The Mayflower Madam because her ancestors had come over on The Mayflower. The Biddles in Philadelphia are an old Mainline family, the type that only have their names in ...
I keep forgetting to thank you for including my blog in your listing of historical blogs on your sidebar. So here I go, "Thank you:)"
By the way, my friend Greek blogger Christos who is a political blogger, but who loves history included one of your older posts about Mary Tudor on his post for today:
Have a great remainder of the week!
tons of great finds! I especially appreciate the Edwardian site. I was just surfing looking for clothing and architecture references of this period. (Illustrating a book cover that takes place during this time)
This site is a huge help. thanks!
Love your avatar! And thanks so much for passing on the "Excellent Blog Award" to me. I feel so honored and shy all of a sudden.
I will definitely pay it forward. With your support, I feel like I'm in good bad-girl company!
Cheers, Joyce
I don't know if I've said this before, but you should put all of your posts in a book titled "Scandolous Women." I'd buy it!!!!
BTW, I nominated you right back :)
Thanks for the nomination!