Christine Keeler and the Profumo Affair

Let's go back into time shall we to 1963. Long before the swinging 60's were in force, and the Beatles and the Rolling Stones launched the British invasion, England was still recovering from the devastation it suffered during WWII. Rationing had only ended in the late 1950's. King George VI had died and his daughter Elizabeth II was celebrating her tenth year on the throne. She'd given birth to a son, Andrew, the future Duke of York in 1960 and would give birth to her last son, Edward, in the next year.
1960 was also the year that the publisher Penguin was prosecuted for publishing D.H. Lawrence's racy novel (for the time) Lady Chatterly's Lover. Penguin won the case and was able to publish 200,000 copies as people raced to get their hands on it. The old order was being challenged and a new order was just beginning. The children born just before and during the war were coming of age. Ian Fleming's spy novels had hit the screen starring the very sexy Sean Connery as 007. The newest actors in Britain were not Hollywoodized versions of British men, but actors like Albert Finney and Michael Caine who were working class.
New magazines like Private Eye which poked fun at everyone and everything was established. Beyond the Fringe starring Peter Cook, Alan Bennett, Dudley Moore and Jonathan Miller hit the West End. And David Frost became a national celebrity hosting the hit TV show That Was the Week that Was (a more topical version of VH-1's Best Week Ever).
Politically however, things were much less happier. Although Harold Macmillan had swept into office in 1959 with a majority in the House of Commons, there was discontent in the country. While Japan and Germany had recovered nicely from the war, the economy in Britain was stagnant. There was inflation and labor unrest. Unlike America, with its young, vibrant president, Irish-Catholic, war-hero with a beautiful young wife, and two adorable children, it seemed that politicians in office reflected a by-gone era, the era of Churchill and Lloyd-George, old school politicians.
Still for all the changes, Britain was stuck in the 1950's. This was still the era when unmarried girls who found themselves in the family way were packed off to places where they could have their babies in secret and then give them up for adoption. The pill didn't come out until the end of 1960 in the States. If you've seen Mike Leigh's movie Vera Drake, you know that back-street abortions were still in existence. Promiscuity was something that the Upper Classes indulged in, not nice middle-class girls and boys.
It was the height of the Cold War, and Britain was still reeling from the revelations that Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean were Soviet spies. The idea that a British politician was not only cheating on his wife, but sharing her with a Soviet diplomat sent the public reeling. In 1963, Kim Philby would be revealed as the Third Man in their spy ring and would also defect to the Soviet Union.
The chief players in our little drama:
John Profumo - Secretary of State for War, married to the actress Valerie Hobson
Harold Macmillan aka Supermac - Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Christine Keeler - goodtime girl and model
Mandy Rice-Davies - fellow goodtime girl and model
Stephen Ward - osteopath and panderer
Lord Astor - owner of Cliveden, the great estate (now a posh hotel where anyone can come and stay. Kenneth Branagh got married there) where the shenanigans took place.
Yevgeny "Eugene" Ivanov - senior naval attache at the Soviet Embassy
Christine Keeler was one of those babies born during the war in 1942. She grew up in Middlesex, where she was raised by her mother and stepfather. She never knew her real father who left during the war. After an unhappy childhood (she felt threatened by her step-father although she admits that he never touched her), she left home at sixteen, finding work as a model in a dress shop in Soho in London. At 17, after having a brief affair with an African-American servicemen stationed in the UK, she gave birth to a baby that died after a few days (earlier she had tried to abort the baby using a knitting needle but it didn't work).
While working as a waitress, she met Maureen O'Connor, who worked at a club in Soho. Through her, she started working as a topless dancer. While working at Murray's Cabaret Club she was introduced to Stephen Ward, the unwitting architect of the Profumo Affair as well as another showgirl, Mandy Rice-Davies.
Ward was an osteopath and socialite. His father was the canon of Rochester Cathedral and he was educated at Highgate School in London before qualifying to practice as an osteopath in Missouri of all places. Ward used his social skills and his job as an osteopath to work his way into the homes of the rich and power members of London society. He was also a portrait artist who had several members of the Royal Family including Prince Philip, sit for him.
Ward was attracted to pretty girls from a lower-class background and Christine Keeler fit the bill. Soon she was living with him, along with Mandy Rice Davies, although she claimed that it was more platonic than anything else. Ward and Keeler had a tumultuous relationship, breaking up and getting back together several times. He introduced his new friends, Christine and Mandy into his circle of wealthy, sophisticated older men.
In July of 1961, Ward held a pool party at Cliveden, the home of Lord Astor. It was at this party that Christine Keeler met John Profumo, the British Secretary of State for War. Profumo was the son of Albert Profumo, a prominent barrister, who held the title 4th Baron Profumo (originally awarded to the family by the Kingdom of Sardinia). On his father's death in 1940 Profumo inherited this title, but did not use it. He was educated at Harrow School and Brasenose College, Oxford, where he took his degree in agriculture and political economy. He had served in the army during WWII, and was awarded the OBE for services on Field Marshal Alexander's staff. He was highly regarded in the Conservative party having won his first election in 1945, becoming the youngest MP at the time.
Profumo and Christine started having an affair, but what he didn't know at the time was that Christine was also sharing her favors with Yevgeny Ivanov, among many others. But it was Ivanov who was the problem. It turned out that Ward was involved in helping MI-5 to entrap Ivanov. Sir Norman Wood warned Profumo about his affair with Keeler, and to warn him to be careful around Ward who was known to be indiscreet. When MI-5 tried to recruit Profumo to help them trap Ivanov by compromising him sexually, so that Ivanov would be enouraged to either defect or pass secrets, and informed him that Keeler was also involved with Ivanov, Profumo refused. Instead he dropped her but the damage was already done.
The affair came to light when Christine Keeler was involved in a shooting incident at the home of Mandy Rice-Davies. She had been involved with two other men, 'Lucky' Gordon and Johnny Edgecombe, two West Indians who were living in London. Gordon had been Keeler's lover and was a bit obsessed with her. She enlisted Johnny Edgecombe as a sort of bodyguard to protect her. In October of 1962, Gordon and Edgecombe got into a fight at a London club, and Edgecombe slit Gordon's face with a knife. Edgecombe went into hiding from the police, and asked Keeler to help him find a lawyer before he turned himself in. But Keeler refused out of jealously that Edgecombe had found another girlfriend. She told Edgecombe that she wouldn't help him and that she would testify against him at the trial. Incensed, Edgecombe showed up Mandy Rice-Davies flat where Christine was living, and blasted the door with a revolver when Christine refused to let him in. Hearing the commotion, someone called the police, and soon the Wimpole Street flat was crawling with police and reporters.
The press began to investigate Keeler, and soon found out about her simultaneous affairs with Profumo and Ivanov. Because of Ivanov's connection to the Soviet Embassy, a simple sexual affair took on a National Security Dimension.
Things might have turned out differently if Profumo hadn't made the fatal mistake of lying to House of Commons. Instead in March of 1963, Profumo told the House that there was "no impropriety whatever" in his relationship for Keeler and to make it even worse he said that writs would be issued for libel and slander if the allegations were repeated outside of the House.
Profumo's denials didn't stop the press from continuing with their stories on Christine Keeler. On June 5th, Profumo finally admitted that he had lied to the House, which was an unforgivable sin in British politics. He not only resigned from office but also from the House as well. Before his public confession, Profumo told his wife, and she stood by him (shades of Silda Wall Spitzer). In spite of the scandal, it was never proven that his relationship with Keeler had led to a breach in national security (presumably Profumo was too busy doing other things to whisper state secrets to his lover). Profumo never talked about the scandal for the rest of his life, even when the movie Scandal came out in 1989, and when Keeler published her memoir of the affair. After his resignation, he worked as a volunteer at the Toynbee Hall, a charity in the East End of London, cleaning toilets. Eventually, he ended up the charity's chief fundraiser. Fortunately for him, he was independently wealthy, and had no need to work for a living. He died in 2006 at the age of 91, after receiving the OBE from the Queen. Like Richard Nixon, another disgraced politician, he learned that career rehabilitation was entirely possible.
The biggest fallout of the scandal was not Profumo, but Stephen Ward, who was prosecuted for living on immoral earnings. To make matters worse MI-5 denited that Ward had informed them of Keeler's affair with Profumo and Ivanov. On the last day of his trial, he took an overdose of sleeping pills. He was in a coma when the jury reached its verdict, that he was guilty. He died a few days later from the overdose. Harold Macmillan resigned in September of 1963 due to ill health. He was replaced by the foreign secretary, Sir Alec Douglas Home.
Keeler was found guilty of perjury in the trial of Johnny Edgecombe and sentenced to 9 months in prison. Mandy Rice-Davies was the only one to escape prosecution, becoming famous for her statement at the trial "Well he would, wouldn't he?" when she was told that Lord Astor had denied her version of events.
An official report was released 2 months after Stephen Ward's death. Hundreds of people queued up for copies. But like the Warren commission or the Starr Report, there was no dirt to be had, just a lot of criticism for the government failing to deal with the affair quickly.
Mandy Rice-Davies traded on the notoriety the trial brought her, comparing herself to Nelson's mistress, Lady Hamilton. She married an Israeli businessman, Rafi Shauli, and went on to open a string of successful nightclubs and restaurants in Tel Aviv. The restaurants and nightclubs, which bore her name, were called: Mandy's, Mandy's Candies and Mandy's Singing Bamboo. Rice-Davies also parlayed her minor fame into a series of unsuccessful pop singles for the Ember label in the mid-'60s, including Close Your Eyes and You Got What It Takes.
As for Christine Keeler, she claims that the true story never came out during the height of the scandal. She wrote a book (ghost-written of course) claiming that not only did Profumo knock her up, but that Stephen Ward was a leading Soviet agent and that Sir Roger Hollis, who was then the head of MI-5, was working alongside him. Of course there is no proof of any of this, but it has kept her name in front of the public over the years as she works to 'clear her name.' After her prison term, she has repeatedly tried to restart her life, but the scandal continues to hang over her head like a sword of Damocles. She married and divorced twice, and had two sons. Over the years, she's held various jobs as a receptionist, and as a dinner lady in a school in London, all under an assumed name.
The 1989 movie Scandal starring Joanne Whalley as Christine Keeler, Ian McKellan as Profumo, and John Hurt as Stephen Ward introduced the story to a new generation. The Profumo Affair opened the door in Britain to the type of tabloid journalism its now become famous for. No more were politicians coddled, their foibles covered up by the press. Now it was open season on everyone.
This post was prepared using sources including Wikipedia.
Derek Brown - 1963: The Profumo Scandal
1989 - Scandal - movie based on The Honeytrap by Stephen Dorrill
1960, after all, seems like yesterday to those of us above a certain age!!!
Very interesting posting, by the way.
The UK 60s were an odd turning point.
The young adults of that era had parents, who themselves were brought up by Victorian parents. The strictness was diluting but still there hence the censorship
I was also struck by the difference between the press in America keeping silent about all of Kennedy's affairs during the 1950's and 1960's and then the Profumo Affair in Britain.
May I point out a few salient points for your readers? I knew Ward, I modelled for Harley Street professors (we were about 400 kids between the ages of 6 and 16) and thus met Ward, who occasionally helped out when the guys were busy. Ward was a genius medical man but was relegated from med-school just before he qualified for, er, being found in the wrong bed...ahem (the head of medical collage wasn't amused, it was his young wife screaming her head off!) He was told he was history in medicine, thus his parents sent him to the USA to study osteopathy, the highest qualification you can get contra being a full doctor. Despite no official qualifications he was so good a doctor the Harley Street guys used to discuss their cases with him, asking him his opinion. I sat there, listening, so know this. He was a very nice man, by the way, you would like him. But he was also a 'jack-the-lad' - in English 'a cheeky bugger' - always joking, doing practical jokes, causing mayhem, laughing his head off at all the red-faced victims! He had raced cars, too, and liked taking calculated risks. He knew Paul Newman via racing, and they apparently often talked of putting together a race-car team in the USA.
Ward was never a stretcher-bearer corporal during the war, but seconded to mil-intel. Everybody in Intel during the war operated under a false name and identity, so stop the Nazis kidnapping relatives etc., and forcing Intel people to work for them. So it was with Ward. He was a Captain in rank and, after being seconded to working with Sir Archie Macindoe during the Battle of Britain helping with the burned pilots, worked on a secret program for the USA, called Operation Monarch. Mind control, remote seeing etc. Weird stuff. Ward was good at that sort of thing. Keeler often said 'Ward controlled her'. She wasn't understood. But she was saying it as it was, Ward could work her like a puppet just by looking at her. True. I've got an uncle in Norway who could do that to his wife, usually during a party to her great embaressment! But not everybody is susceptable, and certainly not everybody can do it. But it does work, I've seen it done. Not only seen... Ward used me for that too, but I'm not going to tell you about that! (Other than that I had fun... I think).
Ward used to take me to see the BoB pilots at the home they were hidden in, so I KNOW he did what he said he did. All the guys knew him well. The pilots liked visitors, but were used to said visitors running out the door, screaming. The guys were so badly burned you had to look twice to see they were real people, not some weird Hollywood models for a horror-movie. He also helped out at St.Barnardo's with the traumatised kids (many had been beaten and raped etc.) and he was also involved with a group into helping abused women and children. Several of my teachers at school were in this group, it transpired, I met them at Ward's and other places.
There was a lot of good things the media never mentioned about Dr. Stephen Ward.
As I said: you would like him. Going by your piccie he would like you too, Liz! He'd love putting you under his spell and controlling you (I would too, if there, phew! Don't worry, I'm old now).
The Harley Street guys hinted to me Ward was impotant, some viscious VD he got during the war. This might explain why he was into fixing young girls for others; he could only look on.
Ward knew many people in the intel-services, I've met a few, not only Brits but from the USA, including the infamous Clay Shaw of JFK fame, David Ferrie too. We even met JFK himself, in '60(?) just before he announced his candidacy (he was a quiet man when himself, not at all ego-tripped, gentle and charming. I must say I liked JFK). Ward was great friends with Averell Harriman, the US senator, I met him.
'Once one, always one' as regarding being in Intel, and I suspect Ward was still on the books in case he could be used. He NEVER worked for the Reds, he hated the Reds with (almost) the same passion as Mariella Novotny. But he would kiss up to the Reds if Intel asked him to...and paid him too. I'm sure he ran a spy-team in the early 50's (that got bust, he barely surviving) and the girls he had now were part of the new one. Ward was related to the M.I.5 boss, Roger Hollis and I'm certain he was investigating the moles in Brit-intel. The public were finding out there were a lot of them, all from top families, many had jobs in the Intel services!
The girls. Knew all of them.
Vickie Barrett was a genuine pro, in the game for some quick money after a divorce. She lived in Welwyn Garden City in a nice house (I was there) and deliberately wore heavy makeup and a wig to hide her identity, as part of an escape plan ("The shit will hit the fan sometime, and the people we are involved with aren't nice, they are the type to kill us. So I'm ready for it"). I was suprised she was hauled into court, they must have grabbed her at work.
Ronna (aka Ronni) Ricardo was an Irish girl raped and abused as a child and ran away from home and was also a pro, but not willingly, and was saving her money to eventually get herself a life. Several men had dumped her on the way, the last an American who held the key to the atomic bomb. She wondered where her new husband was, ringing the base to ask, to be told he had been sent home and he was already married! The USAAF paid her off and told her to keep quiet. She had a beautiful little baby-girl by him, and both Ronna and I loved stripping naked, cuddling-up and breast-feeding her. Aahh... heady times...
Mariella.... we were engaged to be married, y'know. Long story not for here. Raped by the Reds when at school in Austria, who then used her as a callgirl, mother found a way to get her out, no money left so she put on the red-light and supported her sick daughter best she could. Despite speaking 7 languages Marie couldn't get a job in England. So she told her now-ragged mum she was taking over, eventually buying the rights to a retiring slag's customers and began wielding her famous whip. Had a hard time not bursting out in laughter at the sad antics of her customers! Lovely lady, love at first sight for both of us. 'The other' didn't bother me, that was work, wasn't the real Mariella. I was about 15, she 19 (big and brawny for my age). We began planning our future but the Reds captured her father, a top man in the Eastern-bloc resistance. I'll leave the rest out. She worked out what to do and left for the USA to do it. Told me not to wait, never saw her again. Tough as her father, that lass.
Keeler: ordinary girl with enormous plain charm and sex-appeal. Even I got hot! But Ward had to prime her under hypnosis to do what he needed her for. Had a complex about her hairy arms! Met her auntie and husband, as well as one of her brothers. Nice people, it was the weak mother who ruined the family what with all her brain-dead boyfriends etc. Chris was a demon cook and drove a car and swam like a seal, the nude swim at Clivedon was normal stuff for her, she always swam naked in icy water and could dive and hold her breath for ages! Look at her pics, she's got no boobs to talk of, but a huge breastcage with big lungs underneath! She really needed a solid man to love her. Never found one, the 2 she married stole all her money. Too soft-hearted, that lass. Brilliant dancer too, pro-standard.
Mandy: the giggling bombshell! Strong as a horse, brawny, muscular, rode horses all her life, loved sports. Good education, intelligent (TOO intelligent at times). Spoke French and was learning Hebrew. She didn't need priming. Needed the money. Not happy she wasn't making headway in her career as Britain's top musical star. Found out she wasn't the only one and many of the others were better than her. Became London's top stripper instead, danced to classical music, she'd trained ballet as a kid. Her fighter-pilot father (known to 2 of my teachers at school, who flew Typhoons with him) was killed in the war and her mother remarried a paedophile/ policeman who raped Mandy from an early age. When she was old enough to realise what he was doing she bit her teeth together and left home at fifteen. Mandy hated the Rice Davies bit, but realised it sounded good in showbiz, she always called herself Mandy Davies privately, after her real father.
Neither of these 2 girls were hookers. Hookers made a thousand bucks a week, not fifty. Ward helped them with living accomodation etc., he NEVER made any money out of them. Ward NEVER ran a brothal from his homes. The frisky girls who are possibly behind those rumours were the 14-18 year old ladies-in-waiting from Buckingham Palace, the girls who looked after Charles (in more ways than one, ahem) and Anne. They used to kick-back at Ward's on days off. Those girls were frisky! One was Camilla, by the way, don't believe the blurb you've been fed by the media (and the Royal's) both Cammy and Charles played together from childhood. Cams and I were the same age and liked each other. She was ok back then, as a 14 year old (the tampon came later). One 2 occasions they smuggled me up into Anne's quarters (the Royal's were away and the cats would play. The security guys were then lax as they wanted some R an' R too!) Wasn't impressed, a hotel lobby looked more like a home. Big bed though, queen-sized. Only cold water to bathe and wash in. The only thing in Anne's bedside table were a pile of condoms and a couple of hairclips. No clothes, they took those away making her walk around naked, all so she couldn't run away. The doors were all locked anyway, how could she get out! No TV, no radio, no books, all were forbidden for Anne.
Charles lived on the floor above. He had all the luxuries, including hot water.
Yes, it does make you wonder....
Mum and Dad lived the other side of the Palace. Not interested, you see. Those lovely family shots were merely photoshoots, life for the kids wasn't like that.
I was at Ward's one day (sometimes he would look after me if the professors were suddenly busy and wanted me to stay in town in case there was time to do some teaching later on) and chatting to Mariella Novotny, when Bear Ivanov walked in (nice man, he and Ward were genuine friends - "Yes, I AM KGB, we all are, even the cleaning-lady at the embassy!" - but he wasn't hard-headed enough to be a real spy). Ivanov stopped dead on seeing Marie, and went white in the face. "Ah," I thought, "they've met before..." Then he turned and ran out, saying over his shoulder he'd be back another time, Stephen! Mariella was halfway out the kitchen with a huge kitchen-knife in her hands, ready to cut his throat with!! No, Mariella didn't like Russians.....
You got one thing right, that Ward was living in Wimpole STREET when the scandal went down. Whe we first met he was living in a tiny bedsit in Orme Court, then he moved to Wimpole MEWS (with the 2-way mirror, which was made in the good ol' US of A and plugged in to the mains. A relic from the war, Peter Rachman researched, that the Yanks had forgotten to take back home) then, in late '61 he moved around the corner to a bigger apartment in Wimpole Street. He took the mirror with him.
So, hopefully, you're beginning to see there was a lot more behind the melicious things Ward was accused of. Some of it was true, yes, but a lot of it was distorted and abused. In my eyes Ward was a good guy who deserved a medal, not a bottle of pills poured down his throat. Ward was rich, he'd amassed one million pounds during the time I knew him, kept in a bankbox, not the bank as such (to avoid paying taxes). Why kill himself. He was only looking at a year or two in jail on the charges he was found guilty of. How do I know of the money? He and Peter Rachman had a bet on as to who would earn a million first, and Rachman won that bet - just - early in '62, an angry Ward handing over the money as I looked on.
The question is: how did Ward earn that money? It's a long story, but I think he was selling porn-photos of the Royals to the Reds, the USA, the Israeli's, as part of his scheming to find those spies. No proof, just a hunch. That and the double ceiling in 'the orgie room' (not when I was there, unfortunately) with the 4-5 cameras inbetween, all pointed at the bed. I helped him change the film once. Ward hated the Reds... and the Royals too... He only had a soft spot for Anne, who he knew well. The rest were crap.
Why did Ward get cruxified? I suspect he got too close to something he stumbled on in his quest to unearth those Red spies.
Ronna Ricardo, who I was close to for several years (she was lesbian but liked a cuddle now and again) told me a few things about ritual masonic abuse of children, involving many top people. She was involved in supplying young girls to 'the man in the mask' but drew the line at supplying girls under 15-16, he preferred 12 and under. Others found those girls for him. She was involved with Ward in trying to get a camera in to take photos of the abuses, but 'the masks' security was too good and the cameras too bulky. She knew of one 10 year-old girl who disappeared after being taken to hospital by the police. Just vanished. There were rumours of an orphanage in Ireland (Ronna had contacts in the IRA) where men she named for me filmed children being abused by people specially chosen for blackmail - as they were being slowly strangled to death by Anthony Blunt. Snuff-movies. We're talking politicians, businessmen, bankers type of people?
So believe all this stuff you see on the TV, the orphanages, the kidnappings etc. There is still an extensive worldwide network into supplying kids for these people.
My own theory here is that all this was part of a possible coups for the Crown of England. The Stuarts/Stewarts are the obvious choice, they are the ones who lost the Crown to the current Royals. I have a reason to say this; via 'a reliable source' I've learned there have been 4 possible attempts to take the Crown the last 100 years, one was foiled by WW11 and the same person involved tried again after the war. Did Stephen Ward stumble upon this?
THAT would have killed him, pronto. But as 'they' couldn't know who else was involved or what they knew they did it that very public and messy way to let those people know to shut up, or die.
Yes, I think Ward got too close....